DimensionAlley aids in Antique Car Restoration 3D design make recreations of defunct parts possible Over the past few weeks, DimensionAlley’s 3D printed restoration aided antique automobile refurbishment. An auto-enthusiast enlisted the help of DimensionAlley’s dedicated team of 3D Designers. Their task, to recreate a part no longer manufactured today. Through 3d Printing and design,...
How can it help shape the 3D Printing Industry? Industry 4.0 is described is an system of interconnected machines and businesses which creates a chain of interconnected devices, localizing the means of production. The process of forming Industry 4.0 into a reality is no quick procedure. Most experts agree, a gradual shift from large, automated industrial centers,...
3D Printing Event Ideas Improve your event presentation by including 3D printing As the industry grows, DimensionAlley looks to provide Berlin with more 3D printing events to show the uses of this growing industry. This includes education courses and exposition. However, our focus of today’s blog is how 3D printing can help you turn...